I don't know where the Curb Sandwich Shop was. I think this is from the forties or fifties.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Cool Crest Miniature Golf ephemera in San Antonio Texas and Curb Sandwich shop
I don't know where the Curb Sandwich Shop was. I think this is from the forties or fifties.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Talk to the White House
We are many and the administration are few, so they had to find a way to make it work.
Go to Whitehouse.gov Open for Questions and register. Then begin voting on questions asked by others and pose your own questions to be voted on by them.
The questions range from the insightful to the ridiculous but by this process this experiment in mass communication may give some sort of insight into our thinking as a people.
The President wants to hear from Republicans and independents as well as Democrats.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Woodlawn Lake Community Association creates Facebook Group
For instance you'll find this notice on their page:
A public meeting will be held Tuesday March 31, 2009 at 6:30 pm at the Salvation Army Peacock Center at 2810 W Ashby Place, Building 2 to discuss the City of San Antonio's Woodlawn Lake Park Master Plan. District 7 City Councilman Justin Rodriguez and COSA staff will review exhibits prepared by the design consultants.You don't have to have a Facebook account to view the page or to join the association but you do need to join Facebook to join the Facebook group.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Walk Around Jefferson 4
Unstructured conversation is the only item on the day's agenda.
Join us for a stroll around the perimeter of beautiful, historic Jefferson High School, past the running track and the park gazebo echoing the high school's two domes.
No RSVP necessary but you can find the event is listed on several sites including barackobama.com and Facebook. You could also just add a comment to let us know you are coming.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Luminaria 2009 - Many regretted missing last years.
Last year the new event created with the encouragement of Mayor Hardberger caught many people by surprise. It was a magical event, with music and art in unexpected places downtown.
This year's Luminaria: Arts Night in San Antonio is Saturday March 14.
From the official press release
"The central celebration will be held downtown from 6 pm until midnight. Performances on a variety of stages and streetscapes will include symphonic, operatic, jazz, blues, ballet, international dance, theatre, hip hop, DJ, laser lights, film, and multi-discipline arts."
"The event footprint is extended this year to include seven performance stages with the spectacular fireworks finale. Luminaria will bring together diverse audiences throughout San Antonio for an engaging and educational experience."
"Throughout the day visit artist studios, museum, galleries and artist spaces that will have exhibits on view along with art activities and creative performances throughout the city of San Antonio." An official calendar of events, along with specific performances and exhibition information will be available for download on LuminariaSA.org by March 2."
There will be free parking for the downtown celebration. A map in pdf form is available for download. A list of scheduled performers is found on the official Luminaria San Antonio website.
UPDATE: 3/4/2009: A pdf of the official calendar of events is now available for download.
UPDATE 3/8/2009: Today's San Antonio Express-News has an excellent story by Deborah Martin-Luminaria Bigger This Year.
March 7, 2009 Woodlawn Lake Basura Bash
The Basura Bash website has information on clean up projects throughout the city.
UPDATE: 03/08/2009 One report had 300 people pitching in to help out. But the same report said that in the afternoon folks cooking out were once again busy littering. So, the work of building community continues.
Walk Around Jefferson by Walk Around Jefferson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.