Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nuke advocate Patrick Moore cites China as a good example for wise and safe investing.

Patrick Moore said  "You think China would build 25 to 50 more nuclear plants, like they are proposing to do, if they thought the technology was risky or exorbitantly priced," at a pro-nuclear rally in San Antonio according to an October 13, 2009 article" CPS Energy Board Unanimously Approves Nuclear Power Expansion" by Jim Forsyth.

So apparently, we should build new nuclear plants because the Chinese communist dictatorship believes that it is safe technology.  These are the people who have brought extreme economic and environmental destruction upon their nation first through poor central planning and now by allowing out of control development and manufacturing.

Moore was in San Antonio as an employee of a pro-nuclear astroturf group that was founded by a public relations firm and is funded by the nuclear industry.

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