Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Yardsharing website and idea leads to a thriving front yard community garden

I forget how I ran across Hyperlocavore.com but I did and the idea of creating a community type garden in one's own front yard appealed to me.

I mentioned it to a neighbor I had met at Green Drinks and when she said "yes" my wife and a neighbor friend from church got interested and she brought her daughter.  The next door neighbor on one side, an accomplished flower gardener, provided some tomatoes and the on the other side our neighbor came over to dig and established a square foot garden for her and her two young nephews.

The non-gardeners among us got some help from Drew Willem of Time Dollar Community Connections which is supported in part by the Green Spaces Alliance, (who are also supporters of the Jefferson Community Garden behind the Jefferson UMC.)

We've had more people in our yard and stopping by than we ever dreamed possible.  The nephews are showing my wife flowers and their cats are dropping by.  Neighbors and passersby stop by to chat.  It is great.

We even have some eggplants and peppers on the plants, and the chard and lettuce is fine for munching.  Our compost must have had some tomato seeds in it because we got lots of volunteers where we had planted carrots, or maybe they were tomato seeds after all.

So, it has been a lot of fun so far and has been an easy way to build up community.  Stop by and see it sometime.  Better yet, make plans for your own yardsharing community garden.

It took us just three weeks from running across the idea to getting things in the ground and growing.


  1. Hey guys!!! This makes me SO SO happy! I'm grinning ear to ear!

    I want to let people know the site is free and anyone anywhere can start today!

    Happy Digging!

    a free yardsharing community
    because everyon loves a homegrown tomato!

  2. Sorry - I need to let people know the permanent link to the site is http://hyperlocavore.com.
